Since the problem and its context is a complex topic we decided to start with the
primarily research on what is colon cancer screening, what kind of procedure it is and
why it is necessary to go for a check up. We looked into various scientific papers, from Estonia and abroad, as well as gathered data from statistics engines on how many people (and other demographic data) visit the colon cancer screening procedure, how many people get notified about the diagnosis annually and other important information that will give us a broad understanding of the subject matter.
We found out that colon cancer is one of the main causes of death in western countries. It affects mostly adults over 55 and, unfortunately, the symptoms show up late. To give the patient a higher chance of survival and better quality of life after the treatment, it is common practice to invite selected demographics to a screening, meaning looking for an illness in people who do not show any symptoms yet. cc screening is a test on a stool sample, collected at home by the person and sent to the lab for a check-up. An important detail is that in Estonia this service appeared only 4 years ago.
From the research we understood that
the service system in Estonia is shared (and not always in a clear way) between different actors, which provide and take care of different segments of the process. If for the patient the experience looks almost linear, there are actually several institutions involved. We pointed out that haigekassa (Estonian health insurance fund) is taking responsibility for the participation rates and manages the overall process, our main problem owner.